首页 环保技术∶工业污染∶液体废弃物

RFJ-300 Waste Oil Purifier

Technology Holder: Beijing Science&Technology University
Beijing Boshida Liquid Purification Manufacture
Awarded by: ASPAT'94

Technology Description

RFJ-300 recycles and purifies lubricating oils used on machineries, gears, transformers, turbines, engines and for hydraulic and freezing purposes. The technology is based on the Micro-Separation Theory that ensures the purification and regeneration process without causing further pollution and also recovers the oil quality lost in used oil. At the same time the technology also refines the low-grade base oil to high-grade base oil. The following table displays quality contrast between original, used and treated No. 32 machinery oil:

Contents in Oil
Used Oil without
Treated Oil
through RFJ
impurity(%) <0.005 0.1 0.004
acid(mg KOH/g) <0.16 0.5 0.10
water(ppm) <300 1000 100
viscosity(50'C Cst) 28.8~35.2 30.8 28.8~35.2
erosion eligible non-eligible eligible
carbon(%) 0.15 0.27 0.15

Treatment process is described as the following:

Economic Analysis

  1. Investment:
    RJF-300 Purifier with annual treatment capacity of 300 tons. The equipment costs RMB200,000 or USD$25,000.00 per set.
    RJF-150 Purifier with annual treatment capacity of 150 tons. The equipment costs RMB150,000 or USD$18,750.00 per set.
  2. Production cost of treating 1 ton of hydraulic oil:
    Items Cost in RMB Cost in USD($)
    Recycling use oil 1300.00 162.50
    Micro-separation 300.00 37.50
    Electricity 30.00 3.75
    Fabric filter 100 12.50
    Catalyst 40.00 5.00
    Misllenience 100.00 12.5
    Lost from purification(10%) 700.00 87.5
    Labor(100x3) 300.00 37.50
    Total 2870.00 358.75


    Market price of hydraulic oil in China: RMB7000.00 or $875.00
    Profit/ton: 7000.00-2870.00)/2870.00*100%=144%
    Annual return of RFJ-300 USD$516.25*300=USD$154,875.00


  1. Provided by beijing Boshida Purifier Manufacturer.
  2. Equipment: RFJ-300 with annual treatment capacity of 300 tons ,RFJ-150 with annual treatment capacity of 300 tons
  3. Catalysts for micro-separation and for oil quality adjustment
  4. On-site installation
  5. Technical training of operators
  6. Post sale service
